In Spring 2019, Dr. Sascha Mowrey, Assistant Professor of Childhood Education and Family Studies, was awarded an Assessment Grant for her project titled Assessing Engagement and Learning in a Pilot Interprofessional Education Collaboration Assignment. Dr. Mowrey explains that her project “is a pilot project to explore the effectiveness of bringing an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Collaboration model to an educational context for future educators and those working with young children in other roles. Undergraduate students in Early Childhood Education will be working in teams with Special Education, Reading Education, Occupational Therapy, and Communication Sciences and Disorders students (undergraduate and graduate). Together the students will work together to read and process a student case study, identify priorities and needs, and write a Action Plan for meeting that student’s needs in the future. At this time, students in the ECE program have limited or no opportunity to connect what they lear about student assessment and instructional decisions to interdisciplinary teams such as Student Study Teams (SST) or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) teams. Students in the other programs also need opportunities to work as part of an interdisciplinary team with educations and professionals in other roles.”
The results from this project will show the level of engagement and what students believe they learned from this opportunity. There will be a pre-experience and post-experience survey administered.
The Office of Assessment commends Dr. Mowrey’s efforts to improve student learning.