Shadecloth was put on the high tunnel on Tuesday, July 18 after white drupelet symptoms appeared on the raspberries that is associated with solar radiation (UV light) – see UC IPM Caneberries White Drupelet. This shadecloth is 50% shade. We looked at PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) both inside and outside the tunnel both before and after the shadecloth was installed.
PAR readings taken 7-12-17 1:00 – 1:10pm
Outside tunnel – 2149 micromoles per meter squared per second
Inside tunnel – 1507 micromoles per meter squared per second – 70% compared to outside.
PAR Readings taken 7-19-17 1:20pm
Outside tunnel – 2209 micromoles per meter squared per second
Inside tunnel with shadecloth – 845 micromoles per meter squared per second – 35% compared to outside.