GDD base 50 = 591. We track GDD at and rate the phenology stages according to the Modified E-L atages according to the Modified E-L Ststem

flowering (first flower caps loosening)

flowering (first flower caps loosening) to 10% caps off

flowering (first flower caps loosening) to 10% caps off

but cap colour fading from green

developed, single flowers separated
to 14 leaves separated; flower caps still in place, but cap colour fading from green to about 16 leaves separated; beginning of
flowering (first flower caps loosening)
to 10% caps off

flowering (first flower caps loosening) to 10% caps off to 30% caps off

(= flowering)

developed, single flowers separated

(= flowering)

flowering (first flower caps loosening) to 10% caps off to 30% caps off

flowering (first flower caps loosening) to 10% caps off

developed, single flowers separated

30% caps off to 17-20 leaves separated; 50% caps off
(= flowering)