Each new academic year inevitably brings new employees and new roles for existing employees to the university. I want to take a moment to introduce you to two new faces on the university’s leadership team and one familiar face who has taken on a new role.
Jeff Coiner will be our new chief information officer. Jeff comes to Missouri State from the City of Springfield, where he was director of information systems. Jeff will lead and manage all units in the Information Services division. He will oversee system-wide planning, management, security and coordination of technology resources, as well as support the university’s ongoing digital transformation efforts. He succeeds Jeff Morrissey who recently retired.
Mark Smith will be the new dean of the McQueary College of Health and Human Services. Since 2014, Mark has served as the associate dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC). In the 10 years prior to this appointment, Mark moved through the professorial ranks at UNC. Mark has a Ph.D. in physical education and sport instruction from the University of Georgia. He succeeds Dr. Helen Reid who recently retired.
Finally, Rob Hornberger will be the new associate vice president for enrollment management and services. Rob has worked for Missouri State since 1995, most recently serving as the university’s registrar. He succeeds Don Simpson who recently announced his retirement. Rob will serve a prominent role in the university’s direction as we address imminent enrollment challenges and develop a strategic enrollment management plan in the coming year.
Please join me in congratulating Jeff, Mark and Rob and in welcoming all the new faculty and staff that will be joining the Missouri State University team this year.
Thanks for all you do for Missouri State!