In this issue I discuss legislative updates.
Legislative session offers good news for Missouri State
It was a great week in Jefferson City last week for Missouri State University and higher education.
First, the Governor released $2,250,000 for construction of the Davis-Harrington Welcome Center. The General Assembly appropriated this money last year, but the Governor had restricted the funds due to insufficient state revenues in the earlier months of this fiscal year. These funds finish off the financing of this project so that is built only through private money and this direct appropriation. No university reserves will have to be used.
Second, the legislature passed a bill that includes an $18.9 million capital appropriation for our four renovation and repair projects: Ellis Hall, Missouri Hall (West Plains), life safety improvements (West Plains) and Hill Hall. This is very exciting news. These are four critical projects in the heart of our campuses. Ellis Hall and Hill Hall are in desperate need of renovation, and I am pleased that we will be able to begin work on these buildings in the near future. Watch for details as we firm up our plans for these projects.
Thanks to legislators
I want to specifically thank Senator Mike Parson of Bolivar who has championed this appropriation in the General Assembly for the last two years. He demonstrated extraordinary commitment to Missouri State University and to higher education in general. I also want to acknowledge Rep. Lincoln Hough, who played a critical role in getting this measure through the House in the final days of the session. All of our delegation supported this legislation, so when you see our legislators, please thank them for their action.
This is the last week of the legislative session, and I am proud to report that we have had an extraordinary year, including a re-appropriation of our occupational therapy and allied health funds, a 1.5 percent increase in our core appropriation, and an $18.9 million capital appropriation.
Thanks for all you do for Missouri State!