Ruth Walker: Developing Unified Course Objectives in PSY 200
Dr. Walker is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department in the College of Health & Human Services. Dr. Walker’s grant proposal, Developing Unified Course Objectives in PSY 200, proposes training for faculty, adjunct instructors, and graduate assistants for JASP, an open- source statistical analysis program. This training will also assist instructors by developing unified course objectives for PSY 200. Student learning will be assessed by collecting feedback from PSY 302 instructors regarding the “level of preparedness” of students entering the course.
Dr. Walker says, “We are very excited to have received the Assessment Grant to help our department move forward with our plans to standardize our Psychological Statistical Methods courses to ensure students are all learning the same material and prepared for follow-up courses. In particular, we are excited to begin transitioning to JASP, an open-source statistical program. We believe JASP’s ease of use and free cost will make this program a great selection for the majority of students.”
The Office of Assessment is happy to support faculty and appreciate the Psychology Department’s commitment to provide Missouri State students with the best possible opportunities for learning.