In Spring 2019, Dr. David Rohall Department Head of Sociology and Anthropology, was awarded an Assessment Grant for his project Assessing the Relative Outcomes of Large Sections of Online Introductory Courses. In his project, Dr. Rohall wants to determine whether or not his department can teach large online sections of introductory sociology courses without sacrificing the quality of the instruction that is received in the seated courses. To do this, they will “assess one online section of the course with a traditional (40-60) online course and seated sections of the course utilizing the same instrument which includes: learning outcomes, satisfaction with the course, and perceptions of learning in general (e.g., writing ability), and decisions to major or minor in the program based on their classroom experiences.” Dr. Rohall says, “If the assessment is success [sic], we plan to expand online options for both full-time and part-time instructors.”
The Office of Assessment would like to congratulate Dr. Rohall on his Assessment Grant. The Office also commends his actions to improve the learning of the students in his department as well as provide them with the most flexible learning possible.