Agriculture Instructor Heather Eberlin brought a group of OTC students to visit the Fruit Experiment Station. Dr. Hwang welcomed the group with introductions of the faculty and staff as well as a look at the programs the Darr College of Agriculture has to offer. Jennifer gave a brief overview of the history of the Fruit Experiment Station and the current research being conducted. The group then took a tour of the Winery and Distillery, where they met Jeremy, CJ and Dr. Karl Wilker. Jeremy explained our distillation and bottling process and answered questions. Then they were off to the greenhouses, where Susanne and Jennifer showed them the quarantine greenhouse and the mother plants for the Foundation vineyard. The final part of the tour was a wagon ride tour of the research fields and the high tunnel. The group stopped at the sales floor for to check things out and make some purchases. This was a fun and smart group that asked a lot of good questions. We were glad to have them!