In a prior Clif’s Note I noted that we have many points of pride at Missouri State University, and I highlighted the recent success of the Bears baseball program. In this note I want to highlight another Missouri State team that achieved significant success this summer.
Ad Team places first in international competition
The Missouri State Ad Team competed with 22 other universities in an international competition to develop a marketing campaign to counter violent extremism. The Ad Team’s campaign is called One95, and it is designed to unite people in 195 countries, one person at a time, to end violent extremism. Out of the 23 universities, our Ad Team was selected as one of three finalists. The other two schools were from Australia and Canada.
The Ad Team traveled to Washington D.C. to make their presentation at the U.S. State Department along with the other two finalists. Our Ad Team won the competition. I was present for the presentations, and our team’s presentation was head and shoulders above the other two. In addition to winning the competition, government and non-government groups from around the world have reached out to our Ad Team to utilize the One95 campaign.
Please join me in congratulating the Ad Team, and the team’s adviser Dr. Melissa Burnett, on a job well done. Not only did these students win an international competition, they developed a campaign that puts the public affairs mission into practice.
Thanks for all you do for Missouri State!