Assessment will host our Annual Assessment Workshop in Glass Hall on May 21-22. This summer we are focusing on the General Education Goals 10: Life Science and 11: Physical Science. We sent out invitations to everyone who teaches courses in the Natural World section of general education. If you have colleagues or students who would be interested in attending, please let us know so we can have time to plan for their attendance. Contact Julia at for more information.
Who Will Be There?
The group will include faculty, staff, and students. Some attendees have joined us before and some are brand new. Everyone’s voice and perspective is vital to this work. You will thoroughly enjoy meeting new people and learning from your colleagues.
What Do I Wear?
Feel free to dress casually; be comfortable.
What Do I Bring?
Please bring your laptop or tablet. We will have notebooks, pens, and pencils.
Natural World Instructors, please send your assignments and corresponding student work samples to by Thursday, May 16, so they can be de-identified before sharing with the group.
The purpose is to assess student learning related to the goals—not the teacher, not the course—just student learning at the institutional level regardless of course. We will look at samples of student work, responses from students regarding what they learned related to the general goals, and we will essentially leave with an assessment report to share with others. Simply stated, we will walk away knowing more about what students at Missouri State have learned about Natural World outcomes.
What to Expect
- Day 1—In the morning, we will spend time getting to know each other, share successful assignments that teach to those particular goals. This will be a very safe and productive conversation, utilizing some structured protocols for discussion.
- Day 2—We will review more papers and have time to discuss our best practices in teaching and learning. We will also have a bit of time to work on personal projects, such as assessment grant applications or assessment planning for the future.