Today, we are posting revised and updated draft material for the 2011-16 Long-Range Plan. I invite you to review these items and provide feedback.
Strategic directions, objectives, performance measures and targets
This update focuses on the performance measures and targets for the objectives under each of the strategic directions. The chart for each strategic direction includes objectives which have been refined based on your input and further discussions by the work groups and Steering Committee.
The performance measures and targets for each objective also have been thoroughly discussed by the Steering Committee. Now, we need to have your input to further define them.
In some cases, you will note that we are still researching some baseline data. In other cases, you will see that the first initiative is to determine the target. All of this is expected and normal; the key is to determine the measures we wish to use, which we have done.
As a reminder, this is the document I will present to the Board of Governors as an update on the progress we have made on the plan.
We are already working on the next step, which is to develop specific tactics to achieve the performance measures and targets. These tactics will largely be determined by the colleges and other units that will be responsible for implementing them. We will share that draft with you when it is ready. And, a first draft of the narrative of the plan is in process.
So that we have the most complete information possible, I ask that you make every effort to provide your feedback on this draft by Friday, March 4.
James E. Cofer, Sr.