The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on a number of challenges for students, faculty, and staff across Missouri State University. For competitive organizations, though, the future is a bit more uncertain. Members of the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda chapter at Missouri State, or FBLA-PBL, were unsure of how their competitive season would continue. Ultimately, FBLA-PBL administration decided to start transitioning their conferences online, starting with the State Leadership Conference.
While this was a challenge for both students and faculty advisors, everyone put their best efforts towards winning. Under the leadership of Chapter Advisor Courtney Pham and Phi Beta Lambda President Treaver Woehr, members took home a chapter record of wins. Overall, they won seven First Place positions, 29 Top Five finishes and 32 State Top Ten finishes across a number of categories including marketing, business law and ethics, accounting and economics. 13 of these students qualified for the National Leadership Conference this June, which will likely be held online. A detailed list of winners from Missouri State is posted below.
The Missouri State Marketing Department is extremely proud of these students and wishes them the best at the National Leadership Competition later this year.
Tanner Abbott (COB, FBG Major):
2nd place Financial Analysis and Decision Making
3rd place Financial Concepts
1st place Personal Finance
Madison Agee (COB, Accountancy):
7th place Accounting Principles
3rd place Information Management
1st place Management Concepts
Drew Bledsoe (COB, ITC):
1st place Cyber Security
Carter Burgess (COB, Marketing):
2nd place Management Concepts
5th place Marketing Concepts
4th place Sports Management and Marketing
Mohson Choudhry (COB, Accountancy):
2nd place Accounting Analysis and Decision Making
2nd place Accounting for Professionals
3rd place Accounting Principles
Kamran Choudhry (COB, Accountancy):
2nd place Accounting Analysis and Decision Making
Michael Drabelle (COAL, English):
4th place Contemporary Sports Issues
2nd place Impromptu Speaking
3rd place Sports Management and Marketing
Melaina Fischer (COB, Marketing):
1st place Business Ethics
2nd place Microeconomics
Spencer Ingram (COB, Accountancy):
2nd place Business Law
4th place Insurance Concepts
1st place Justice Administration
Alyson Lile (CNAS, Hospitality Leadership):
4th place Hospitality Management
2nd place Human Resource Management
8th place Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Ann Raymer (COB, Marketing):
1st place Client Service
4th place Macroeconomics
Rachel Schmidt (CHHS, Kinesiology):
6th place Organizational Behavior and Leadership
5th place Project Management
2nd place Public Speaking
Treaver Woehr (COB, MBA):
3rd place Contemporary Sports Issues
1st place Marketing Concepts
2nd place Sports Management and Marketing
2nd Place State Trivia Competition